Monday, December 29, 2008

The Great Juggler


Well in a few days time, the Chinese Equipping Course will be held in my church... 19 youths from around malaysia coming to stay for 1 month.. SO during this period of time, I have been wandering what activities to plan for them....

And finally decided to teach them juggling....

Well I cant just teach them juggling for no reason... So I decided to look up the net and I found a blog which tells the top 10 benefits of learning to juggle...

SO here it is, the top 10 benefits of learning to juggle:

1. Juggling is great aerobic exercise. It’s certainly more fun than one of those stupid elliptical machines. You’re more apt to keep at it.

2. Juggling improves your hand-eye coordination. This will be useful in other sports like kickball, softball, and volleyball.

3. Juggling makes you ambidextrous. Very useful if you ever break your arm.

4. Juggling keeps you warm. As long as you don’t sweat too much.

5. Juggling improves balance. Before I learned to juggle I couldn’t even ride a unicycle. But I can now!

6. Juggling improves motor skills. Catching, throwing, hand-eye coordination are all improved with juggling.

7. Juggling improves your rhythm. I can tell you what a great dancer I’ve become since learning to juggle.

8. Juggling relieves stress. Work or life getting you down? Just juggle it right out. Juggling requires concentration and this will help you forget about your troubles.

9. Juggling makes you smarter. At least juggling can make your brain bigger according to this study. XD

10. Juggling gives a a sense of accomplishment. There are always new challenges in juggling. New patterns, new equipment. When you want to get an ego boost, learn a new juggling trick. It’s incredibly satisfying

So, in conclusion, JUGGLE....

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